Saturday, September 26, 2015

Submarine Museum

Groton CT is home of General Dynamics Electric Boat, makers of all the nations nuclear powered submarines.  It is also home to submarine fleet operations and the navel submarine museum.  So, you know us, we simply can't pass up free museums and this was no exception.

There are just amazing displays there including the USS Nautilus, the first submarine to traverse the North Pole under the ice.  All that in the age before GPS and computers.

The public can tour the boat which was simply fascinating.  The crew quarters make the berths on Gypsy Queen look palatial.  Only the captain of the boat had his own space and that was no bigger than David's quarter berth aft.

While we were there, a Virgina class Nuclear power sub came into port escorted by at least 4 police boats and two big tugs, and I thought docking our boat was tricky!  I checked the tide charts and sure enough they were only trying to park that sub at slack tide.
Saturday we plan to head down Long Island sound toward NYC.  Hopefully the crowds following the Pope will be cleared out by the time we get there.


  1. I'm sure that the crowds in New York will not be for the Pope, but they will be there to see the Gypsy Queen pull into port, and meet the crew. A sub tour too cool! Mark did Christine have to pull you out of the museum kicking and screaming or did security do it when they closed?

  2. I'm sure that the crowds in New York will not be for the Pope, but they will be there to see the Gypsy Queen pull into port, and meet the crew. A sub tour too cool! Mark did Christine have to pull you out of the museum kicking and screaming or did security do it when they closed?
