Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Back to Newport

We spent Labor Day in Jamestown RI, had lunch at the portside cafe then made our way back to the Dutch Harbor anchorage and hoisted anchor to make way for Newport.

This was the first time I hoisted the main while the anchor was still set, a technique I observed others using in Cuttyhunk MA.  The idea is that the main stabilizes the boat direct downwind and allows you to sail off directly after the anchor comes off the bottom.  It works pretty well.

The wind was blowing about 15-20 knots, so I put a single reef in the main as I raised it at anchor. Christine sailed off and we unfurled the staysail for a nice comfortable ride out of the harbor.  We tacked against both the current (0.5kn) and the wind blowing now with 25kn apparent close hauled. This is the first time we have heel past 20 degrees with a reef and just the staysail.  It was a boisterous ride up the West Channel with about 7-8 tacks before making the marker at Newton head.  The good news is that with just the staysail deployed we are able to self tack , which means no scrambling at the winches to tack, just steer the boat through the wind and you are off.

We made 4-5 knots at 45-50 degrees to the wind which I consider pretty good performance with the 3+ft wind waves on the bow.  Of course, you have to be patient if you want to avoid using the iron jib which we managed to do.  Once around the head it was a downwind gallop at 6-7 knots with just the reefed main  up.

As we were heading into Newport bay, another boat about our size blasted by us with a full spinnaker flying.  Both Christine and I looked at each other and shuddered.  The boat was vastly overpowered and just waiting to round up into a disaster.  Sure enough, when we got into the bay the boat was rounding up and the spinnaker flailing wildly.  It took them a good 20 minutes to get the boat under control and I think they managed to damage the spinnaker getting it furled on a head stay.  Lesson learned, don't let the boat get over powered.

After a long sail, we picked up some water at the floating water dock in Newport (157gal), then made for the anchorage.  The next lesson learned is how to NOT mix rum and your 4 year old's hobby paints.

It's a good thing they are washable!

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