Monday, May 18, 2015

We continue to make our way up the Carolina coasts now in North Carolina.  Last night we were at Carolina Beach near the outlet from Willmington having met Charles F on Tinker II the day before.  A peaceful night at anchor and Sunday services at the local Baptist church.

David is a real trooper.  He has been to so many Sunday schools that he knows the whole routine by heart loving the time to spend with kids his age AND lots of different toys especially CARS!  The time in worship and listening to the sermon is the only downtime from David care we get all week.  It is a blessing.

So, after church we pulled up anchor and headed north on the ICW.  I had favorable winds and current, so shut down the iron genny and just sailed up the narrow ICW, maybe a couple of hundred feet wide in places with a huge number of weekenders enjoying their water craft.  Everyone seemed to be in a big hurry for something that is supposed to be a leisure activity.  We were one of two sailboats in a sea of power boats and jet skis.  With the sails up and the motor off, we had right of way and it was kind of fun watching all the power boats jockeying to get out of our way (grin .. I guess passive aggression for all the wakes..)

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